Friday, January 16, 2015

Paperbark Maple for Foliage Followup

While at Valley Nursery, I noticed this paperbark maple for the very first time. Normally, I'm there during growing season, and have never noticed this lovely tree growing just outside the annual house. It's probably always been covered by leaves and didn't stand out, given my attention was probably on all the cool plants for sale.

Now that it's winter, I couldn't help but notice its gnarly, muscular limbs and lichen- and moss-covered twiggy bits.

I know my photos don't do it justice, but Acer griseum is such a fabulous tree. I thought I'd share it with all of you for Foliage Followup, even though...there's no foliage!

Foliage Followup is hosted by Pam at the blog Digging. Find her post here.