Saturday, November 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- November 2014

Because we are still well and truly caught in the grip of an icy Alaskan cold front, the flowers out in the garden are few and far between. There are some, however, and I hope you all appreciate that I froze my heinie off searching for them.

Abelia grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'

One cardoon flower peaks out from behind enormous serrated leaves.

A handful of large clumps of Alyssum have somehow escaped the freeze.


Penstemon 'Tubular Bells'

Mahonia x meadia 'Charity' bloom spikes have started opening at the bottom.

And, in the greenhouse, where the temperature was a little more hospitable:

NOID Abutilon

Aloe glauca (the second bloom it has produced this fall)

Aloe glauca (the third bloom, and there is a 4th peaking out down in the rosette)

Abutilon 'Red Tiger'

This single Brugmansia flower has opened since I moved it into the greenhouse a couple of weeks ago, and it is perfuming the air beautifully.

But there are plenty more waiting to open.

I hope even if you are dealing with below freezing temperatures, that you've managed to find some blooms too.

Carol of May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the 15th of every month. Check out her November post here, and please take some time to visit some of the other bloggers who leave links to their own Bloom Day posts.