Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- October 2014

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and I am back to posting lots of photos. Last month was a bit of an anomaly, I posted one photo only for GBBD and FF because I was just a bit pressed for time. Anyway, I'm now back to cataloging what's blooming this month. There's still plenty of flowers out there, although it doesn't seem like it when I look out the window. So far we haven't had as much rain as I expect here for October. But it's in the forecast.

Abutilon NOID (I have the tag somewhere in my vast collection of tags, but hunting it down is more work than I want to do)

Abutilon 'Red Tiger'

Pelargonium sidoides

Pelargonium NOID (Ditto above tag comment)

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

Catananche caerulea

The papery buds of Catananche are fab too

Lowly Nasturtiums

I love the ones whose throats are splashed with color -- guidelines for pollinators

Bedding Dahlia


Look how the petals curl up when the flower is done!

Another Aster that is just loaded with tiny flowers, and bees in a feeding frenzy

A second, similar one in the back garden doesn't seem to attract as many bees.

Castor bean flower stalk

Castor bean pods, which will eventually split and spill the beans into the bed

Cardoon flower

Calendula 'Solar Flashback'

I got a variety of colors from the same batch of seeds

Love that deep red on the reverse of the petals.


Arbutus unedo 'Compacta'


Another Delosperma with tiny, dainty flowers

Begonia sutherlandii (Orange Hardy Begonia)

Sheffield Pink Chrysanthemum has just started flowering.

Chocolate Joe Pye Weed -- A bright punch of white that you can see from across the garden

Dicentra formosa reblooming

One last Castilleja



I hope wherever you are, that you are having fair weather, and still have plenty of flowers in your garden!

GBBD is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Check out her post here and see who else around the world is posting pictures of their blooms.