Friday, August 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- August, 2014

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and therefore time for a cavalcade of flowers!

Red Dahlia grown from seed this past winter

Cupid's Dart/Catananche caerulea

Variegated Hydrangea bought last year from Cistus


Un-named Dahlia bought last weekend at Flower World

Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy'

Oreganum 'Kent Beauty'

Yellow Crocosmia, a gift from my friend Annette


Andropogon gerardii /Big Bluestem (you can see why it's also called turkey foot grass)

Kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle'

I hope these Amaranthus flowers produce lots of seeds for seedlings next year


Sedum 'Autumn Joy' starting to color up, another gift from Annette

Tall Phlox, bowing down under the weight of our recent deluge of rain

Balloon flower, showing one flower about to open, two open, and one deflated

Rudbeckia, Echinacea, and Monarda 'Raspberry Wine'

Echinacea and Coreopsis (maybe 'Red Shift')

Hydrangea quercifolia

Tricyrtis/Toad lily

My one really exuberantly flowering bed in the back garden -- this is what I see when I look out my kitchen window over the sink, while I'm washing dishes

Itea virginica (I think) (Edit: I knew as I was typing it that Itea wasn't right, but I couldn't dredge the actual name up out of the vast, empty, echoing reaches of my mind -- fortunately, blogger friends have let me know in the comments that it's Clethra alnifolia)

Hardy Fuchsia aurea

Abutilon 'Red Tiger'

Alstroemeria isabellana, another recent purchase at the Fronderosa Frolic last weekend, from Far Reaches Farm

I hope you enjoyed my very own personal flower show. I bet you have plenty blooming now too! Check out Carol Michel's blog May Dreams Gardens to see more Bloom Day posts from around the world.