Sunday, March 16, 2014

Foliage Followup, March 2014

It's the day after Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and you know what that means, don't you? It's not just the day when all the laggards finally get their Bloom Day posts up. It's Foliage Followup, which takes place on the 16th of every month, in which garden bloggers celebrate the uniqueness of the contribution that foliage makes to their gardens.

Right now leaves are busting out all over in my garden, with our recent string of warm sunny days.

Ornamental Chinese rhubarb
And the same leaf from the front

When this plant starts to swell it reminds me of the eggs from the movie Alien.

Ferny poppy foliage has been out for months, since last fall, in fact. But now it's getting even more lush.

The crinkly dark leaves of a Kennedy primrose, which was in every nursery this time last year

The first flush of Dicentra 'Gold Heart' is a heart-stopper

My favorite hardy Geranium, 'Samobor'

The PNW native Heracleum lanatum aka cow parsnip

I love its big lush leaves

The mottled leaf of an Erythronium

Arum italicum 'Jack Sprat' has cool black spots on its leaves

Iris 'Gerald Darby' from Scott at Rhone Street Gardens still in its pot

'Bright Star' Yucca is looking pretty good (my other two have way more damaged leaves)

Both of my poor Trachycarpus fortunei were beaten into tatters by our stormy winter season, only the newest foliage looks good

'Fat Albert' Spruce with our single enormous laurel -- the only one left from the previous owners

Emerging foliage of Viburnum trilobum 'Red Wing'

Technically not foliage, but the lovely red branches of my 'Pacific Fire' vine maple really stand out, especially when the sun shines

Before you know it, we'll all be sitting pretty like these two froggies in a corner of my recycled concrete wall, pretending to be lost in tropical breezes.

Check out Pam Penick's blog Digging here, our host for Foliage Followup. Other bloggers leave links to their foliage posts in the comments. Check them out!