Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NWFGS Quickie

One of the main reasons I go to the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, and one of the reasons I garden, is for the plants. I love plants. They don't talk back, or judge me, they just live (or die). Sometimes at the show, there's a garden or two that is plant-centric, like last year's showstopper garden by Riz Reyes (read about that garden here). That wasn't the case this year. So often the show gardens concentrate on hardscape, on the whole Outdoor Living thing that is so popular here on the West Coast. This was unfortunately true of many of this year's gardens. None of the plants featured were really cutting edge.

But there were a few interesting and intriguing plants and plant combos that I couldn't help noticing, including a few that paired the common with the more uncommon.

Astelia and black mondo grass
Red Anigozanthus (Kangaroo paw), which is not hardy here.

Sarracenias and red pansies

'Red Dragon' Persicaria and red-veined fern

Yucca 'Color Guard' and Tulip 'Monte Carlo'

Agave (parryi?) and Tulip 'Monte Carlo'

Yucca, Agave and red primroses

Enormous glass Sarracenia and real ones in the background (also a tiny already wilting Gunnera under the solar light and a Fatsia behind the log)

Various Narcissi, ferns and more Sarracenias

Why do you go to garden shows at this time of year? Is it to see the plants? To shop? To get inspired for another year of gardening? Maybe it's because you just love the madding crowd.