Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Foliage Followup

Once again, I am refusing to go out there with my camera and photograph my own pitiful garden for December's Foliage Followup. Instead, I'm sharing some photos I took last summer on Vashon Island, during a Northwest Perennial Alliance garden tour that I took accompanied by Peter The Outlaw Gardener and his partner Tom. You can read Peter's post about this garden here.

This wonderful garden, North Shore Gardens, is the work of Jonathan Morse and had a striking emphasis on foliage, making it a perfect place to revisit on a cold, gray, rainy PNW winter day.

The purpose of Foliage Followup is to remind us of the importance of great foliage in the garden. It takes place on the sixteenth of every month, the day after Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. You can find more Foliage Followup posts on Pam Penick's blog Digging here. Check out the links in the comments.