Friday, September 20, 2013

A Day at the Fair

On Friday, Nigel had a day off work, so we decided to go to the Puyallup Fair, figuring it would be somewhat less crowded on a weekday. It was, and we had a good time. We dispensed with healthy eating for the day, and had some bad-for-us food -- cheese fries and a bacon-wrapped hotdog on a stick for Nigel, and a scone with butter and jam and deep-fried Oreos for me (actually Nigel shared the Oreos with me).

I had to check out the chickens. They're so pretty and sweet.

I just love the feathers, outlined in black.

A black Cochin giving me the eye.

Aren't these fluffy pantaloons just the funniest thing?

Pretty laced feathers.

So adorable!

It was hard to see exactly which end of this Bearded Buff Laced Frizzle was the head. For the chicken I'm sure it was just hard to see.

Look at this handsome guy! There were quite a few roosters of various ages there, practicing their crowing. This one was the quintessential roo, the one you see on all that French crockery.

If some day I ever do get chickens, this is what I want -- Buff Orpingtons. Isn't she a beauty?

For those who are curious about my 40-pound Chicken Challenge, I did reach my 40 pound goal earlier this year, but still haven't gotten chickens. I have a choice of either getting a greenhouse or a chicken coop, and at this point I'd prefer the greenhouse. But I still enjoy looking at them.

After a stroll around the fair, we ended up at one of the small stadiums where they were about to hold a mutton bustin' competition, where kids age 4-7 weighing less than 60 lbs. get to ride sheep and see how long they can hold on.

Boy, this was fun to watch, especially for me -- having grown up as a typical suburban kid, whose primary fall recreation consisted of going into Boston on the subway with my mom to shop for school clothes at Filene's Basement.

I don't know if you can hear the announcer's voice at the very end of the video. He says something like "Look at her, just stepping off." This little girl seemed to be in control the entire time. She knew what she was doing.

Well, that was my fun Friday. I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend.