Friday, June 15, 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - June 2012

For GBBD this month I have a combination of the usual and the unusual -- well, unusual for me anyway.

I have quite a few PNW natives flowering.

Dichelostemma ida-maia grows from a bulb.

There's a pinkish-lavender one too.

Brodiaea also grows from a bulb.

Castilleja/Indian Paintbrush is thriving this year, has lots of buds.

Allium cernuum/Nodding onion is not actually open yet, but I love the transparency of the flower bud.

Our native Physocarpus capitatus flowers are so pretty!

Trillium luteum (native to eastern North America) is still flowering way in the back in the shade.

And, in the realm of the usual:

Peony (sorry, no tag)

Dianthus, grown from seed winter sown three years ago, comes in such a wide variety of shapes and shades.

Geranium 'Vision Pink' was also winter sown three years ago, and is a favorite.

One of my beds is fronted by a swath of it.

Geranium 'Ballerina' purchased, not sown, is another favorite.

I just love the dark veins on the flowers.

There are only two flowers open so far on the rose campion, but there are plenty of buds!

This yellow Lupine is one of the few Lupines left in my garden, I pulled a bunch out last year because they were so infested with aphids.

In the realm of the unusual: Big foliage, big flowers

Gunnera flowers are pretty strange!

Astilboides tabularis is flowering next to Persicaria 'Red Dragon', but the plant itself is still quite small.

Rodgersia is flowering for the first time this year. I'm really happy with my clump!

'Jade Frost' Eryngium is flowering now, with subtle hints of blue in the flowers.

It's one of three types of Eryngium in the new gravel garden.

There is plenty more flowering, at this time of year I could keep going forever. But I think that's enough for now.

Check out May Dreams Garden, the host for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and see lots of other flowers blooming around the world.