Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- May 2012

I'm a day late with my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post, and I'd like to do a Foliage Followup too, so I'll probably be at least a day late with that as well.

I can't remember the last time I took part in GBBD. It's so hard to take pictures and put a post together with them on time. I've been known to take a flashlight out into the garden after dark checking on the name of a plant on a tag, usually I just have to get it right. Of course, often the tags are missing, have been heaved out of the ground over the winter and blown away or have been raked up and composted by the mow-and-blow crew who do our lawn. But, GBBD posts are a useful way to keep a record of what blooms when.

So, here are some of my flowers blooming right now.

Hardy Geraniums come in so many interesting varieties.

Geranium renardii 'Tschelda'

Geranium phaeum 'Margaret Wilson'

Geranium 'Vision Violet'

Geranium 'Vision Pink'

A couple of years ago I tossed a bunch of different Columbine seeds onto a shady bed under some Douglas firs, and here are the results.

Native Aquilegia formosa

I grew Verbascum phoenicium from seed last year. They were just a rosette of leaves that first year, now they are sending up beautiful spires of flowers. Too bad it's a biennial or short-lived perennial. Maybe they will self-sow.

It looks so pretty flowering in white, pink and purple in front of the Agastache 'Golden Jubilee' foliage.

A few days ago a red poppy opened, now the white ones have started too.

The California annual patch is doing well too.

Poached Egg Plant (Limnanthes douglasii)

A white variant of Poached Egg Plant

Perennial cornflower is common, and a very robust native plant, but it's such a pretty flower.

Centaurea montana

There is one tiny Dianthus bloom hiding under the foliage. It may be a couple of weeks before they completely burst into bloom.


Camassia quamash is a short-lived native flower, but it's a favorite.

Camassia quamash

Allium 'Purple Sensation' is flowering in one of the conduit pipes in the gravel garden. I've ordered more for planting in the fall.

Allium 'Purple Sensation'

I bought this interesting Thalictrum the other day. It's low-growing, and looks kind of like an Epimedium, but look at the foliage color! I don't think I've ever seen an Epimedium with foliage like that.

Thalictrum ichangense 'Evening Star strain'

I also bought an Enkianthus the other day, to grow in a pot on the patio. Love those little pink, bell-shaped flowers. Fortunately, it hasn't been planted yet, so its tag is still hanging on it.

Enkianthus campanulatus 'Showy Lanterns'

Pink, purple, white, yellow! The colors of spring. Only one showy orange, my potted Abutilon Without A Name has responded well to all the sun and warmth we've been getting. Summer is coming!

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is the brainchild of Carol at May Dreams Gardens, and hundreds of bloggers all over the world contribute. Check out some of the others here.