Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Read 'Em All Tuesday

Every once in a while I think about writing a post that showcases some of my favorite blogs. But somehow, I've never gotten around to it. Until now.

Some of you are probably familiar with Tootsie Time and her fun Friday meme, where bloggers gather to share posts that focus on their flowers. She calls it Fertilizer Friday. I participate in it when my flowers are particularly floriferous (not right now, they are pretty mushy and brown and disgusting, because we are heading into winter here in the Northern Hemisphere).

Tootsie has just started up a new meme called Read 'Em All Tuesday, which is an opportunity for bloggers to share some of their favorite blogs with her and her readers. All we have to do is write a post about a blog and blogger we admire and love to read, and then link the post to Tootsie Time. Well, it was really hard to choose one, because there are so many that I read and love. But right now, autumn heading into winter, is a perfect time to share this blog with you, because it is written from South Africa, where they are right now experiencing spring! So if you think you are about to go through garden and flower withdrawal, just take a look at Desiree's Driftwood Ramblings. (Click on the name of her blog, it will take you right to her!)

Here is what Desiree says in her own words about her wonderful blog:

"I live with my husband in the Western Cape of South Africa. Ever since childhood, I have felt a great affinity with nature and I'm especially drawn to ferns, forests, mosses, rocks and driftwood. I have tried to incorporate as many of these elements as I can into my garden. This comes with its own set of challenges as we live in a winter-rainfall region, so our summers are exceedingly hot, dry and often windy. Definitely not ideal for establishing the type of garden I crave! We started by planting lots of trees and over the years, it has all slowly come together. I use compost and bark mulch extensively, as our soil type is clay. I have many indigenous plant types in addition to some exotics and we have a thriving ecosystem, which attracts plenty of wildlife to the garden. Through these pages it is my hope to share some of the things I love with other gardeners and garden lovers, especially if you don't yet have one to call your own."

Besides long and rambling posts about her garden and the beautiful and exotic birds and other wildlife that visit it, Desiree also takes her readers on trips around the countryside of South Africa, on garden tours, to local nurseries, and she also posts about her sweet dogs which are full of personality, sometimes quirkily writing the post from their perspective. She has just written the first post of what promises to be a long series about a garden tour she recently took with her husband. It is just chock-full of the most beautiful pictures of the flowers and features in the first garden she visited. But you better like long posts full of photographs, because that is invariably her style. It's a good thing they are such good photographs!