Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fertilizer Friday -- California Annuals, Native Wildflowers, Fuchsia

I skipped last Friday, so once again I have some catching up to do.

Clarkia elegans -- the last of my California annuals grown from seed to flower.
They are flowering in a variety of colors -- pink, purple and white

Gilia capitata, another California annual wildflower

Another native -- Castilleja/Indian Paintbrush -- that I planted last fall is flowering. I was worried it wouldn't thrive, but it seems to be doing ok.

Liatris, a native wildflower

This bee was apparently sound asleep on the Liatris

More of my Dahlias are flowering.

Fuchsia magellanica is just covered. It's a hummingbird favorite.

I have a few annual Fuchsias growing in pots on the back porch too. They remind me of dancing ballerinas.

Hydrangea 'Invincibelle Spirit'

 The Filipendula 'Hakome' that I bought last year about this time is flowering. I planted it amidst a couple of different dark-leaved plants.

Here it is contrasted with a dark-leaved Cimicifuga.

And against chocolate Joe-Pye weed.

My Echinaceas and Rudbeckias have finally started to flower.

'After Midnight'

'Pow Wow Wild Berry' -- a bit drought-stressed.

Burgundy Gaillardia -- but not exactly what I'd call burgundy

Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy' started from seed last year.

I've read complaints about the color on seed-grown plants not looking dark enough, but I'm quite happy with the color on this plant.

I'll definitely be saving seeds from them, I want lots more of these next year.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this look at the flowers in my garden. To see more from all around the world, check out Tootsie Time's Fertilizer Friday post.