Friday, July 29, 2011

Fertilizer Friday -- Making up For Lost Time

Well, I didn't post for Fertilizer Friday last week, because of the Fling, so I have a lot of lost time to make up for! And in the four days that I was away from my garden, lots of new flowers emerged.

My front porch pots are looking good, but these two especially.

Tithonia 'Torch', also in pots, has finally started blooming. I grow it in pots in a protected spot, otherwise it would drown in our rain.

The lilies that I bought at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show have started flowering.

Asiatic lily 'Eyeliner' -- See the delicate dark edge on the petals?


Can't find the tag.
 My daylilies are flowering up a storm too.

Going Bananas

I can't find the tag for this one either.


Barbara Mitchell

I thought I only sowed black HHs here, but I'll take pink!

My floppy Tidytips is flowering

The plants around the stream are looking quite lush and pretty.

Are these two Agastaches trying to muscle in on the red twig dogwood?

My Dahlias are starting to flower. I got this one from a spring swap. It's hard to tell from the photo, but the flower is enormous!

Dahlia 'Kelvin Floodlight'

Fuchsia magellanica

Penstemon 'Firebird'

The hummingbirds are loving the Jacob Kline Monarda.

The delicate flowers of a gold-leaved Filipendula, against chocolate Joe Pye foliage.

I have a whole row of Sempervivum that are flowering like mad. According to what I've read online, they will die after flowering. Bummer!

Coreopsis grown from seed last year

I have many clumps of Shasta daisies flowering all over the yard, a few different varieties.

Shasta 'Crazy Daisy'

Some are crazier than others. Kind of like gardeners.

Some new purchases, not yet planted.

Canna 'Tropical Bronze Scarlet'

Love the freckles on this Canna. There was no tag.

Please visit Tootsie Time for more Fertilizer Friday posts!