Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fertilizer Friday and Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day -- Shasta Daisies, Dianthus, Coreopsis

I have quite a few flowers to flaunt today for Fertilizer Friday and for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! I don't usually participate in GBBD, but I thought since these two blogging memes coincide today, I figured it made sense to take part in both.

My Shasta daisies, which I grew from seed last year, have finally started blooming. They've been on the verge of opening for about a week now.


Snug as a bug...

LadyBug Instar on Shasta Daisy

So far, I have only one open daylily.

'Barbara Mitchell'

The peony-flowered poppies have opened completely.

Coreopsis and Dianthus, all grown from seed last year, are blooming.

Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray'

Dianthus 'Brilliancy'

Dianthus 'Cheddar Pink'

Nodding Onion/Allium cernuum

This Corydalis has been flowering for months.

My Astilbes are looking bright. I've lost the tag, so I don't know the name of it.

I got this Thalictrum my first year here in the PNW, and it's only been foliage till this year. The foliage looked a lot like columbine, so for a while I thought that was what it was. Then just recently, it put up a tall flower stalk, and I remembered what it was. I think it is Thalictrum pubescens.

It has kind of a fairy quality to it.

Like little fairies in grass skirts, floating in mid-air.

Fertilizer Friday is hosted by Glenda at TootsieTime. Go and see all the wonderful flowers being flaunted all around the world.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. There are hundreds of posts. Check it out!