Friday, March 25, 2011

Fertilizer Friday -- Forsythia, Siberian Squill, and Others

The flowers on my Forsythia 'Fiesta' are opening! Such a cheerful sight on an unusually sunny morning, after a night of crazy-mad rain.

Pink Frost Hellebore is still going strong.

Although a bit mud-spattered.

The two Primulas bought last weekend have been planted and seem to be settling in.

Siberian Squill and Snowdrops, although the snowdrops are pretty much finished.

The leaves on my pear tree start out squiggly. (At least I think it's a pear tree, it flowers but never fruits, probably because of a lack of pollinators.)

And one more gratuitous shot of my pink Erythronium, which I posted about earlier this week. It is still flowering, but seems to only open up when the sun is out.
Fertilizer Friday is a weekly blogging meme hosted by Tootsie Time. Go and check out all the great flower posts from around the world.