Friday, July 2, 2010

Fertilizer Friday -- Bleeding Heart (Yes Still!) and Others

I'm sure because of the cool, rainy/cloudy weather we have had for so long, and are still having today (even though it's July!), I still have bleeding hearts blooming -- Dicentra 'GoldHeart' -- so pretty and delicate with the gold/green foliage behind it. I'm glad it has had so long to get well established in my new garden. It's one of my favorite spring ephemerals. I have a native that is still blooming too, but couldn't get a good picture of it, because it's so dark in the corner where it's growing that the flash on the camera bleached it out.

I have lots more to show you for Fertilizer Friday, so I better get busy posting photos.

Aquilegia 'Leprechaun Gold'

And here is the reason why it's called 'Leprechaun Gold.' Not because of the flowers, which are blue/purple, but because of the variegated foliage.

Heuchera 'Snow Angel'

Fuschia magellanica

Campanula rotundifolia

My Darmera peliphyllum is starting to bloom. I bought it for the big leaves, I didn't even realize it had an interesting flower.

Here is the flower even closer.

Nepeta 'Walker's Low' with Penstemon 'Husker's Red' foliage behind.

And finally, although it isn't a flower, I did find this in my garden this past week, underneath one of my Douglas firs. Looks like it fell out of the tree. There was no trace of eggs near it, so I don't think it was in use, thank God. I need to find a few small, egg-shaped stones to put in it, or maybe a little bird figurine.

Well, that's it for me for Fertilizer Friday, a wonderful blog meme that is hosted by Tootsie at TootsieTime. Please head over there to see all the beautiful flowers being flaunted by all the people who participate.