Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day -- Lots of Annuals in Containers and Other Stuff

I decided to join another popular whatever it's called -- blogging meme? Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, which is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden on the 15th of every month. You can go to her blog and find links to all the wonderful blooms that others have posted.

I don't know why I don't post on my blog every day. Well, I don't always have something to show, even though I work in the garden just about every day, even when it's showery and cold. Sometimes it's something as small as making the rounds of the beds, noticing which ones will need weeding soon, or just making a to do list. But garden memes give me a reason to post pictures, so here are some of the things that are blooming in my garden.

Last Friday it was showery, but still, I put these annual containers together while standing on my front porch, somewhat out of the wet.

They contain lots of different Coleus -- wow, they come in so much variety nowadays! Also some pineapple sage, Dianthus, a few little pieces of creeping jenny, Alyssum, Petunias, ornamental grass.

Here's a closeup of one of them.

When I first started putting them together last week, I realized that I had an overabundance of pink, red and green/yellow leaves in red pots (well, those are my favorite colors!), and no blue or purple with yellow. It was too monotonous, so I trotted back to Lowe's and picked up some green pots, and then to the nursery to get more annuals. That blue petunia was so big and vibrant, it practically jumped off the rack and into my cart! And the plant in the pot next to it, with the unusual flowers, is a Cape Daisy. I may go back and get more.

Here's a closeup of the flower and the Coleus next to it.

 I decided to use the chair and bench for pots because they have a wooden frame that has rotted and won't hold the weight of people any more. The pots are not as heavy as they look, because I filled the bottom half with styrofoam peanuts.

I do have a few plants blooming in the beds this week too! This is the flower on Penstemon 'Husker's Red', which has red leaves.

Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'

And Armeria maritima (sea thrift)

Hope you enjoyed seeing my blooms! I'm making a resolution to start posting more often. It might just be text, which is pretty boring, but it will keep me on track with the details of how the garden is progressing.