Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Am I Planting in All That Empty Space?

I'm not a native Nazi, but it seemed to me that it would make sense to plant a lot of native shrubs and perennials in the back bed, along the fence, and near the waterfall. So this past February I picked up some native shrubs at the local Pierce Conservation District sale. They're not much more than sticks with leaves, but I've been slowly planting them in the beds, trying to leave at least 6 feet between them (ok, sometimes I fudge and plant them 5 feet apart -- maybe four...... no I'm not copping to four). It still looks really bare, but I'm hoping it won't be too long before the area fills in.

Last week I visited a nursery in Gig Harbor that specializes in natives (Woodbrook Nursery), where I picked up one shrub and some perennials.

So, here's what's going in the beds.

Red Elderberry


Pacific Ninebark

Vine Maple

Red Twig Dogwood

I have five native Viburnums that I potted up till I figure out where to fit them in. And I have five Red Flowering Currants that have barely leafed out yet. Everyone else's are flowering already, so I hope mine make it. I'm sure everything was set back somewhat by having been dug up and replanted for the sale.

Oh, I also have a Corylopsis that I bought at a nursery. I first read about this shrub on Catherine's blog, A Gardener in Progress. (I don't know how to turn that into a live link, but you can find her blog with its delightful photos here:

In another bed I have an oakleaf Hydrangea called 'Snow Queen'

And a tiny Annabelle Hydrangea.

A vine maple called 'Pacific Fire'

And a Western Azalea (sorry the picture is out of focus)

I am planning to also plant Pacific Rhododendron, Oceanspray, some Alaska/yellow cedar, and possibly a California Wax Myrtle.

Well, I think I'll cover the native perennials in another post.

Oh, here's a long shot of that bed at the back with all the native shrubs. Some day it's going to look wonderful.