Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Pictures

There aren't that many before pictures, so these are all during and after.

Building the new raised beds for veggies:


The weather the last two days has been so lovely, I've been out there for about 5 hours both days, sowing peas and carrots. I read that carrots like very fine soil, with no rocks or big pieces of compost, so I spent most of that time sifting the soil and adding sifted compost and peat moss. I have done just enough for four square feet of carrots!

On someone's blog -- I don't remember whose, darn it! -- I read about using cheap paper napkins to make your own seed mats, so that's what I did with the carrots. Can't wait to see how they do.

All that sifting was very hard work, so those carrots better taste spectacular!