Sunday, October 4, 2009

Big Dirty Empty Spaces

I have two of them, that used to be filled with stuff the previous owners left behind, that I couldn't use. One was a kids outdoor playhouse. Beautiful, well-built, if I had kids or grandkids, I'd love to have it. Nigel calls it a Wendy House.

Thanks to craigslist, now that space looks like this:

Big. Dirty. Empty. I posted the playhouse a little over a week ago, in the free section. I got so many responses! It was so big and heavy that moving it was going to require a platoon to get it intact over my fence. I didn't want to have to do any work taking it apart myself. I made plans for one woman to come and get it, but she backed out. It's hard to know who to pick that will turn out to be reliable. My second choice worked out great! They came last weekend to check it out, and then came back yesterday with tools to take it apart. It took them about three hours. I'm glad they were handy, cause they're going to have to put it back together!

I don't know what I'm going to put in that big, dirty, empty space, I'm just glad the playhouse is gone.

As it turned out, they also had two big dogs. So....they took this too!

Now I have another big empty dirty space where it used to be.

And I know what's going in there. A compost pile!