Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Latest and Greatest in Plant Hybrids

As an attendee at the Garden Bloggers Fling (I've been to two now), my little blog and I have come to the attention of the most innovative of plant breeders and hawkers. After the Seattle Fling, I ended up on the marketeers' list for Proven Winners, and as a result, received two boxes of plants. I wrote about them the first year I got them, but then I skipped the next year. Nary a box in sight since then. BooHoo.

Despite attending a presentation for the Sunset Western Garden collection during the San Francisco Fling last year, I didn't receive any plants from them. (I would have liked one of those hardy Gardenias).

Never mind. I have my own collection of weird and wonderful hybrids.

Ever heard of Araucaria acerseminolia? No? Isn't it fab?

How about the infamous hop-flowered elderberry?

You can use it to make both beer and wine, simultaneously.